Ration Balancing Program

Ration Balancing in an Animal Nutrition based advisory service under which scientific advice for using available feed and fodder effectively is given to dairy farmers by the help of INAPH software. This advice helps to enhance milk productivity, Health and Reproductive efficiency.

The objective of Ration Balancing Programme (RBP):
To create awareness amongst milk producers on optimization of animal feeding by efficient utilisation of locally available feed resources at the possible least cost. It is a service offered to all producers in our area of operation. It helps producers in improving the productivity, Health and reproductive efficiency. It helps in bringing down the cost of milk production by re-appropriating the available feed resource and use of mineral mixture.
A village youth, who called as Local Resource Person (LRP) being identified and trained to provide the services related to RBP at village level. LRP is being equipped with net book installed with INAPH software and internet connection, so that he can generate the RBP advice at farmers door step. One LRP implements the programme in two villages covering about 120 animals to provide ration balancing advisory services and also provides mineral mixture to dairy farmers in these two villages. LRPs are being introduced to the producers during village awareness meetings.
Key Result Indicator | Achievement Till May 2016 |
Trained LRP Deployed (no.) | 1112 |
Villages covered under RBP (no.) | 2008 |
Animals Covered under RBP (no.) | 109087 |
Farmers Covered under RBP (no.) | 91857 |
Reduction in Feeding cost per kg of Milk for Animal covered (%) | 6.35 |
Stages of RBP:-
1. LRP selection and training: A village youth is being selected from concerned villages considering criteria viz; who is resident either from both villages, has minimum high school qualification, well acceptability in society, involve in dairy farming, honest, hard working, has capability to arrange mineral mixture, has bank account and Permanent Account Number (PAN). LRPs being trained in various process of Ration Balancing, INAPH software, communication with farmers, basics of animal husbandry and management under 10 days training programme. This training includes 5 days classroom and 5 days field practical training.

2. Village Extension Activities: Village meetings are being organised to promote the programme and to launch the LRP after successful 10 days training. Farmers Kit having non-woven carry bags, writing pad, pen and RBP book on Animal Nutrition and management is being provided to Dairy farmers who are implementing the RBP. Tin signage and posters are being displayed in concerned villages as a part of awareness campaign.

3. Animal Registration: LRP select the producers based on their readiness towards RBP implementation on their milch animals. Animals are first tagged with an ear tag having unique 12 digits number then Animal’s detail viz; species, breed, age, milking stage, calving numbers, last calving date, pregnancy status and owner’s detail viz; Name, father’s/husband’s name, age, village, village institution, tehsil, district, state, land holding, no of milch animals entered in to INAPH software and saved.

4. Evaluation of Animal’s Nutrient status and formulation of least cost ration: LRP evaluate animal’s daily feed intake, Body weight, milk yield and fat % of animal registered. He entered this information in to INAPH software and evaluates animal requirement and nutrients available in existing feed in terms of TDN, Crude protein, Calcium and phosphorus. He discuss the variations and per litre cost with owner. Depending on available feed resources which can arranged by owner, LRP formulate least cost ration by which nutrients requirement of animal can be completed in given limits.

5. Repeat Advise: Considering the changing nutrients requirement of animals as per advancement of lactation, physiological stages and availability of feed, LRP generates fresh advice after 22nd days to 35th days from previous one.