Chairman's Note

Dear Shareholders,
With pleasure, I am providing you with information in this correspondence regarding our Company’s performance for the tenth fiscal year, 2023–2024.
This year, our Company has achieved a turnover of Rs.1057.17 crores and earned a profit before tax of Rs. 22.10 crores. This accomplishment is a testament to the strong commitment of our team members and stakeholders, our milk producer members who, despite all uncertainties stood with us. Only the positive approach and high level of perseverance demonstrated by every stakeholder associated with the company has made this possible.
I am delighted to announce that the Company has awarded a loyalty incentive of Rs.8.84 crores to its active producer members, who have accomplished all the conditions as per the criteria laid down by the Company. This is by far the largest amount of incentives that the Company has offered in the last decade. In order to motivate and support the farmers, the Company has enrolled them producer members. As an inclusive growth organization, we follow the philosophy that “Saahaj grows when its members grow.”
I would like to announce, that our Directors are delighted to recommend the dividend to the members whose names appeared in the Company’s register of members as of March 31, 2024.
During the Financial year 2023–24, the Company has procured an average of 537 TKg of milk per day from its milk producer members, and has paid out competitive and remunerative price to its members at regular interval of 10 days of the milk payment cycle. Besides this, the Company continued its efforts to provide artificial insemination and ration balancing services at the doorstep of the milk producer members.
The Company has consistently encouraged women participation in the dairy industry, acknowledging their central role in managing various dairy activities and their contribution to the dairy sector with utmost professionalism. This empowerment leads to financial independence of these women dairy
Saahaj Milk Producer Company Limited
farmers which results in their socio-economic development. The year-end statistics demonstrate the result of our efforts as 50% of the entire membership i.e. 45,052 members are women, out of 90,984 total members. These incredible results demonstrate our commitment to bring more number of women members under the Company’s umbrella.
With immense pleasure, I would like to announce that during the year under review, the company has sold 9,981.64 MT of cattle feed, 231.45 MT of mineral mixture, and 28.70 MT of fodder seeds to the milk producer members. The company provided its Artificial Insemination (AI) services through 493 AI centres and performed a total of 6,06,967 AIs right at the doorstep of farmer members.
Apart from that, with concentrated efforts, the Company had sold 36,179 LPD of Poly Pouch Milk (PPM), 1,288 LPD of Buttermilk, 3,122 KGPD of curd and 402.78 MT of Ghee during the year gone by.
“I would like to thank my Associated Directors, Expert Directors, and Chief Executive, as well as all the employees who worked hard to achieve the top goals of the company.”
Yours sincerely
Rajneesh Kumar
Chairman & Director
(02.12.2020 – 25.09.2024)